Fundraising for Sophia’s Stepping Stones


Sophia Aitken is a 2 year old girl who has Spastic Diplegia, a form of Cerebral Palsy. Because of this she is not able to walk unaided and has spasms and pain in her legs. We are raising funds to get her to America to change this.

There is an operation – Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) – that would reduce the pain in her legs, allow her to place her feet flat, and – with years of intensive physiotherapy – should mean she can walk independently. The operation will be carried out in America and the post op physio treatment will cost a massive £65,000. This is a very daunting amount to raise, but Sophia deserves this opportunity and we are determined to do all that we can to reach this target.

Please help and support us in any way you can; donations, spreading the word, coming to our events or any other way you can think of and make this more than just a dream.

The Charity Website is here.

Tree of Hope – Charity Registration No: 1149254  In Scotland SC042611